Madeline Hunter "Sinful in Satin"
I have a soft spot for Ms. Hunter's books from when I first read a book by her set in Medieval England where the historical period was actually an important part of the book. (Crazy I tell you!) She immediately went on my "love everything you write" list. But realistically some of her books have been better than others. I haven't been completely enamored of this series about "The Rarest Blooms."
Celia is the daughter of a famous London courtesan, educated for a life of more of the same until she ran away and found sanctuary at Daphne's house. Then her mother dies and she inherits her modest townhouse and her tenant, Jonathan. Jonathan is an Earl's by-blow and remains unsettled by the lack of acknowledgment by his father's family.
Besides her feel for the historical period, what keeps drawing me through Ms. Hunter's books are her smart interesting characters who feel very real, and seem like people you would like to have as a friend. On the other hand, in this book there are several plot points that really didn't make sense with the characterization of our super intelligent hero.
Enjoyable book, well written, lovely characters, good sex. But the conflict between who these people are drawn to be and some "move the plot along" decisions begs a lower rating.
Historical Romance 2010: 3.5 of 5 plots of intrigue.