Samatha James 'The Secret Passion of Simon Blackwell'
Why didn't I like this book more? Annabel meets Simon in London when he saves her nephew from being trampled by a horse in Hyde Park. When they are caught kissing on a balcony at a social event, Simon does the right thing and marries her. They retire to his estate where Annabel learns that five years ago Simon's wife and two sons died in a tragic fire.
Simon is a good hero, he's tormented and reclusive but maybe a bit too tormented. At my age it's harder to believe that he just needs the love of a good women to get over it. Annabel is not particularly sympathetic. She finally gets through to him by yelling at him. Hmm, maybe if she had brought a bit more happiness into his life along with the sex? Perhaps I'm just beginning to think way too hard about these books! Ya think?
Sex scenes are well done, although sexual tension was lacking.
2007 Historical Romance: 2 out of 5